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April 24, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.23 part 2

The House passed the $484 billion coronavirus relief bill which provides $380 billion for the small business Paycheck Protection Program and includes $75 billion for hospitals and $25 billion for coronavirus testing. NAW strongly supported this legislation and urges President Trump to quickly sign t

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April 23, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.23

As you know, the recently-enacted COVID-19 stimulus bill – the CARES Act – contains several provisions setting up loan programs to help struggling businesses, with a new Paycheck Protection Program to help small businesses with 500 or fewer employees.

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April 22, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.22

Yesterday, the Senate passed $484 billion in new pandemic relief funds to bolster a tapped-out small business aid program, pay for coronavirus testing and help hospitals overwhelmed by sick patients. NAW strongly supported this legislation and urged quick action in the Senate to pass this necessary

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April 21, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.21

A few minutes ago, the Senate passed by unanimous consent the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, also known as “Phase 3.5” to provide additional coronavirus relief funding.

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April 21, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.20

Negotiators from the House, Senate and White House are close to finalizing a deal on the “phase 3.5” response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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April 17, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.17

On Wednesday, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) exhausted its funding forcing the Small Business Administration (SBA) to stop accepting applications for job-saving loans.

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April 17, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 4.16

Yesterday evening, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) exhausted its funding forcing the Small Business Administration (SBA) to stop accepting applications for job-saving loans. According to a press release from Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and the SBA, “By law, the SBA will not be able to issue new

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