Southeast Regional Meeting

1407513_Exterior_cropped.jpgThursday, June 19, 2025


Register Now

$89 registration fee for members and non-members.


Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Biloxi
777 Beach Blvd
Biloxi, MS 39530

Schedule at a Glance

1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 

*Full schedule is coming soon. 

NAWLA is proud to partner with the 71st Anniversary MLMA Convention and Trade Show 

MLMA Convention and Trade Show attendees will have the opportunity to interact with our influential Mill Members and a diverse group of Associate Members. The Convention and Trade Show is scheduled for Thursday, June 19, through Sunday, June 22 at the Beau Rivage and is open to all MLMA Members. If you are not an MLMA member and you would like to attend. Please contact MLMA Executive Director, Ellery Jones

Please note that registration for the MLMA Convention and Trade Show is separate from registration for the NAWLA Southeast Regional Meeting. To register for the MLMA event, please visit the MLMA website