



April 23


April 24



April 25



April 26


April 27


April 28



Welcome to the Allen Center!


Participants check-in after

3:00 p.m.






Morning Sessions


(Break included)

Program Overview, Learning Partner Introductions

8:00 – 8:30

NAWLA, Kellogg

Guided Reflection

8:00 – 8:30


Guided Reflection

8:00 – 8:30


Guided Reflection

8:00 – 8:30


Guided Reflection

8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 12:00

Values Based Leadership


8:30 – 12:00

Getting Good at Getting Great



8:30 – 12:00

Building Coalitions and Managing Teams at Work


8:30 – 12:00

Intuitive Innovation: An Introduction to Design Thinking


8:30 – 12:00

Culture: The Hidden Driver of Organizations


Program Wrap Up

12:00 – 12:15




Group Photo




Lunch (Optional)

12:15 – 1:00

Afternoon Sessions


(Break included)

Analyzing Customers & Markets for Competitive Strategy


Managing Financial Risk


Leadership in 5G: Leveraging Generational Differences in the Workplace


M&A: A Look Behind the Curtain


Thank you and safe travels!

Free Time

Welcome Reception & Dinner at the Allen Center

6:00–7:30 p.m.


Free Time

Free Time

Free Time

Free Time

Social Time & Dinner


6:00 – 9:00

Fire House Downtown Evanston

6:00 – 7:30

Social Time & Dinner at  the Allen Center

6:00 – 8:00

Flight Club Downtown Chicago


6:00 – 7:30

Social Time and Celebration Dinner at the Allen Center


DAY 1 (Monday, April 24)

Values Based Leadership
Instructor:  Harry Kraemer

Values-based leaders seek to inspire and motivate, using their influence to pursue their most deeply felt goals. In this session, participants will explore the characteristics and challenges of leadership as it exists and can exist in various organizational settings. A framework of principles of centered, values-based leadership will help participants make their organizations beacons of enduring value.

Analyzing Customers & Markets for Competitive Strategy
Instructor:  Mohan Sawhney

Competitive strategy with sustainable advantage hinges on superior customer and market knowledge. Participants will learn the importance of customer insight through the discussion of its sources, generation process, and application. They will understand the framework for Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA), learn to assess competition, technology and opportunities, and recognize and avoid the pitfalls of market analysis. These external frameworks will be combined with exploring ways to re-think and re-imagine your internal business models and marketing approaches. Three concepts will be discussed: Uber-ization of assets (Uber example, better deployment of un or underused assets), Service-ization of products (Peloton example, the subscription is a bigger business than the product), and the Amazon-ization of channels and distribution (Amazon example of changing retail and delivery experience and expectations.) Participants will practice applying these concepts to their own competitive challenges and marketing opportunities.

DAY 2 (Tuesday,  April 25 )

Getting Good At Getting Great
Instructor:  Craig Wortmann

As individuals, we experience bursts of learning in our lives…acquiring an MBA, joining a new company, moving to a new country or starting a family. These bursts of learning help us rapidly acquire new knowledge, skill and discipline. But how do we continue this development process during the 98% of the time we are not in burst mode? This workshop is designed to equip sales leaders with the "five things that must be true" to build a system of deliberate practice around each of their people. We call this "Getting Good At Getting Great," and it's a fast-paced, hard-hitting session that will leave you with immediately applicable tools.

Managing Financial Risk
Instructor:  Mitchell Petersen

Risk is part of every investment decision made by any firm. In these sessions we will first discuss how markets and investors perceive risk. This will provide a foundation upon which we can discuss risk management. We then want you to think about why and when risk management can add value. We will thus discuss what the objective of risk management is first, and how you estimate or measure a firm’s risk exposure second. If you know what you are trying to accomplish (the objective) and where the firm currently stands (its risk exposure), then it is much easier to figure out what the firm should do to modify their risk exposure.

DAY 3 (Wednesday,  April 26 )

Building Coalitions and Managing Teams at Work
Instructor:  Leslie DeChurch

Getting things done often requires working with others, no easy feat when you're dealing with a variety of different stakeholders or team members each with their own set of distinct interests. In this session, you will participate in an interactive multi-round, multi-party simulation that highlights the importance of cooperation for success. We will use the results of the simulation as a guide to discuss frameworks and effective strategies for open and innovative approaches to building and managing coalitions across teams at work.

Leadership in 5G: Leveraging Generational Differences in the Workplace
Instructor:  Nicholas Pearce

Leadership involves understanding the needs, styles and motivations of different groups in the workforce and what it means for the future. This workshop will engage participants in peer-to-peer dialogue regarding their perspectives on generational differences, and equip leaders with interpersonal and enterprise-level strategies for more effectively attracting, retaining, and leveraging people across the generational divides to create more inclusive and sustainable organizations.

DAY 4 (Thursday, April 27)

Intuitive Innovation: An Introduction to Design Thinking
Instructor:  David Schonthal

Design is not just a verb – it is a way of thinking. In this interactive session, Kellogg School of Management Professor and IDEO Business Designer David Schonthal will highlight some of the fundamentals of Design Thinking and discuss how they can be applied to everything from products and services to business models. We’ll explore how we can apply these principles across a variety of industries, in small companies and large enterprises alike. You don’t need a background in design or engineering to benefit from this session – you just need a bit of curiosity and a desire to view the world through a more human-centered lens.

M&A: A Look Behind the Curtain
Instructor:  Tom Turmell

Mergers and Acquisitions are an active, dynamic part of the global economy, and an important part of business value creation. The private equity industry represents a significant portion of M&A volume, and touches almost every industry, geography, and market, affecting every business landscape within which it competes. How should companies think about mergers and acquisitions and private equity? What is the difference between a strategic and a financial buyer? Can they be the same? Is private equity a force for good…..or for bad? Does M&A and private equity create jobs and provide an economic growth engine, or do they destroy quality businesses, industries, and the markets in which they compete? This conversation provides a behind the scenes view of mergers and acquisitions and the private equity industry, exploring private equity asset classes, desired M&A strategies and outcomes, how strategic buyers and private equity can affect markets, how private equity can be an effective tool for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their companies, and how strategic and private equity buyers can be an attractive exit strategy for business owners who have built sustainable enterprises.

DAY 5 (Friday, April 28)

Culture: The Hidden Driver of Organizations
Instructor:  Gail Berger

The culture of an organization impacts motivation, engagement and productivity. It is imperative that leaders pay careful attention to culture, a critical organizational dimension, to ensure that the culture is aligned with corporate vision and mission. During this session participants will learn how to "unpack" the organization's culture to develop a clearer understanding of the elements of culture, and more specifically how those cultural elements relate to their organization's culture. They will learn about levers that are available to them to build a powerful culture, and focus on strategies that can be implemented to socialize employees to their company’s culture. Finally, they will use a tool to develp a deeper understanding of core organizational values. [* An engaging activity will be used at the beginning of the session as a catalyst for discussion.]

Program concludes at 12:15 p.m., followed by an optional lunch