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May 08, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.7

As of today – yet again – no MSLP launch date has been announced. We will continue to monitor the Federal Reserve for information and provide you with any relevant and timely updates.

Latest on the Paycheck Protection Program

Last week, the IRS issued guidance that prevents businesses from deduct

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May 08, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.5

NAW, along with our association allies, sent a letter to Congressional leaders today urging them to pass legislation that would temporarily change tax law to allow a business to deduct “bad debts” in the current tax year, rather than when they have met a facts-and-circumstances test that can take ye

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May 06, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.6

There is a growing debate in Washington about whether the SBA should release the names of the companies that received PPP loans, along with the details of each loan. The calls for “transparency” are in response to the publicity about large, publicly traded companies getting loans; those advocating

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May 05, 2020
Affinity HR Q&A of the Month

Q: We have an employee whose daughter tested positive for COVID-19.  Her daughter is now feeling better and my employee would like to come back to work, but I want to make sure she is not carrying the virus. What do you advise?

A: That's wonderful news that her daughter is fully recovered.  That sa

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May 04, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.4

Last week, the Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, released updated guidance on the MSLP program to support lending to small- and mid-sized businesses by eligible lenders. The April 30 guidance expands on and, in several areas, supersedes prior materials publish

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May 04, 2020
Ode to Lumber

My humble beginnings in the wood industry took root decades ago, sprouting a brief but meaningful and deeply gratifying career. “Life” intervened, but after a bit of a hiatus, I eventually found myself coming full circle, back to the work I love most. When I think of how, even after stacking up cred

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May 01, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.1

In the aftermath of the ongoing controversy over the operation of the PPP and the companies which Treasury and the SBA now say should not have received loans, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin has reportedly sent one of his key executives, Deputy Secretary Justin Muzinich, over to the SBA to “sort out” the

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