Recent Articles

October 08, 2024
Meet Our Members: Hannah Swanson

Inspired by her father’s successful sales career in the paint industry, Hannah Swanson entered the lumber industry with a goal of following in his footsteps and building her own successful business portfolio. After three years in Hampton Lumber's cedar department, she transitioned into the sales trainee program and hasn’t looked back. In this member spotlight learn how NAWLA has shaped her journey, explore her background—including her amateur golf career— and her perspective on how the industry has evolved since she started in 2021.

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September 30, 2024
Meet Our Members: Scott Gascho

Scott Gascho began his career in the wholesale lumber industry over 25 years ago, getting his start the old-fashioned way at Stimson Lumber through a blind ad in the newspaper. Today, he serves as the Vice President of Sales at Hampton Lumber. Get to know Scott, including what motivates him to continue a career path in wholesale lumber, how he has seen the industry change over the years, and his best advice for new NAWLA members, in this member spotlight.

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September 19, 2024
Meet Our Members: Owen Thompson

With diverse experience as a truss builder, forklift operator, and yard supervisor, Owen Thompson now thrives on the purchasing team at Weston Forest Products, embracing every opportunity to learn and grow. In this member spotlight, discover Owen’s journey into the lumber industry, his favorite NAWLA experiences, and what keeps him motivated.

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