About the Young Emerging Lumber Professional Program
NAWLA's Young Emerging Lumber Professional (YELP) program seeks to identify opportunities to strengthen the future of our industry and recognize the achievements of young professionals in the workforce. Beginning with the inaugural class in 2021, YELP’s mission is to create opportunities for the next generation to learn about NAWLA as an organization and build a strong foundation for YELP-ers to grow their network.
Each class of YELP is selected through a nomination process.
How to Nominate…
Individuals are allowed to nominate themselves or others to be a part of NAWLA’s YELP classes. These individuals are aged 40 or younger, employed by a NAWLA member company and are rising the ranks as an aspiring rockstar in the forest and building products industry.
What YELP Entails…
Induction into the YELP program means tailored and unique networking and educational opportunities that only YELP classes receive, including an in-person retreat in the Greater Chicago Area and many opportunities for further professional development and education into NAWLA.