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May 20, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.20

There is still no official guidance from the Fed on when the MSLP will be stood up. Of note on this matter: we reported yesterday on the less-than-detailed Mnuchin and Powell testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. In today’s Wall Street Journal, the editorial board was sharply critical of

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May 20, 2020
Helping Your Workforce Navigate Uncertainty

I believe the Forest City Trading Group has done an outstanding job at navigating the rapid changes brought about by COVID-19. I was impressed by how quickly we moved and how flexible our leadership has been in providing alternate work solutions.

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May 19, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.19

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Fed Chairman Powell testified before a virtual hearing of the Senate Banking Committee today. In his prepared testimony, Chairman Powell briefly addressed the MSLP, noting that the Fed is “preparing to launch” the program and that they “will continue to adjust facilit

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May 19, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.18

The CARES Act established a 5-person Congressional Commission to oversee the implementation of the law’s lending programs, requiring the Commission to report every 30 days. While a chairman has yet to be named, the Commission’s four appointed members released the first 30-day report today.

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May 18, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.16

ast evening Treasury and the Small Business Administration issued a press statement and released the PPP loan forgiveness application. Of note: in the press release they also say that the “SBA will also soon issue regulations and guidance to further assist borrowers as they complete their applicat

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May 18, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.15

The Small Business Administration has extended the safe-harbor deadline for returning Paycheck Protection Program loans until Monday, May 18th. The extension was announced in new item 47 of their Frequently Asked Questions list.

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May 14, 2020
An Update from NAW Government Relations Team - 5.14

Yesterday, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) extended their emergency declaration relaxing hours of service rules for a second time. The emergency declaration is now in effect through June 14. As we have previously reported, on March 13, FMCSA issued an emergency declaratio

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