As of today, there are no new updates regarding the Paycheck Protection Program or the Main Street Lending Program. We will continue to monitor any new developments and send you critical updates as they occur.
Latest on Economic Recovery and Re-Opening the Workplace
As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to impact the United States economy and businesses across the nation, it can be hard to decipher how new regulations and laws may impact your business. To help you manage these issues NAW is providing information about reports, webinars and seminars that you may find useful:
From Littler Law Firm: Complimentary Webinar: False Claims Act Risks in the COVID-19 Era
Date/Time: August 5th at 1:00pm (EST)
Intended to aid employers and employees during the COVID-19 crisis, coronavirus legislation also creates new sources of liability for employers who obtained funding under the legislation to address the economic impact of the pandemic. Learn the basics of coverage, the statute’s unique qui tam provisions, the key whistleblower and anti-retaliation provisions of the False Claims Act, and how this law now applies to thousands of businesses never before within its reach.
To register, click HERE.
From Reed Smith Law Firm: Responding to employee advocacy and workplace walkouts during times of protest
Several labor organizations, along with racial and social justice organizations, conducted a mass walkout on July 20, 2020 to protest racial inequality and working conditions in the United States. Thousands of workers in more than 200 cities walked off the job on a full-day strike while others who were unable to strike for a full… Continue Reading
From Reed Smith Law Firm: Update: Pennsylvania order mandates telework, but to what extent?
This is an update to our July 17, 2020 article addressing the July 15, 2020 orders issued by Governor Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Health “directing mitigation measures” in response to a reported rise in COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania. As explained in that prior article, both orders included the following mandate requiring telework: “Unless… Continue Reading
Stateside Associates publishes a daily report about State and Local Government responses to the evolving situation.
To read their latest report, click HERE.
We are also providing a link to a spreadsheet that includes state and local COVID-19 response information provided by MultiState Associates.
To view their spreadsheet, click HERE.
Issues Unrelated to COVID-19
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): The NLRB has taken another step to reverse the previous Board’s overreach into overturning employee handbook rules and expanding “protected concerted activity.” The previous Board had ruled that employees could not be discharged or disciplined for using abusive, vulgar or profane language in the workplace – effectively extending the protection of the National Labor Relations Act to abusive speech.
Yesterday, the Board issued a decision in a case – General Motors – reversing the Obama Board’s decisions and reestablishing the previous standard. The Board’s press release said: “For too long the Board has protected employees who engage in obscene, racist, and sexually harassing speech not tolerated in almost any workplace today. Our decision in General Motors ends this unwarranted protection, eliminates the conflict between the NLRA and antidiscrimination laws, and acknowledges that the expectations for employee conduct in the workplace have changed.”
NAW joined the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and a dozen other associations in filing an amicus brief in this case last November. If you are interested, you can read our amicus brief HERE.
Jade West, Chief Government Relations Officer
Blake Adami, Vice President-Government Relations
Seth Waugh, Associate Vice President-Government Relations
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
The above information and links to other information has been prepared by NAW for the general information of NAW members. It is not intended to, and does not, provide tax, legal or professional advice concerning any specific matter. You should not act on the information without first obtaining professional advice and counsel.